WP Communication

Explore the diversity of our communication and visibility outputs.


The present document is the internal Communication strategy of the ADRINET project, prepared by the Municipality of Castro, Project Partner responsible for its implementation. His main goal is to share knowledge and information between PPs.

ADRINET in radio media

The ADRINET project appeared in the radio media, in more detail at the following link:


ADRINET in press

The ADRINET project appeared in press, click on the link below for more details:


ADRINET in media

Handbook on joint management of pollution-related risks

As part of the projects' Protocol on common strategies and Handbook activity, we developed a Handbook on joint management of pollution-related risks. Below you can download the document.

Environmental risk management plan

As a Project main output, we are proud to present the Environmental risk management plan. Below you can download the document.

Project ADRINET promoted through digital media campaign

As part of the projects' digital activities, we promoted the start, implementation, and expected results of our project through digital media. Below are links to the news published during the digital media campaign.






Project ADRINET promoted through radio campaign

As part of the projects' digital activities, we promoted the start, implementation, and expected results of our project through radio. Below are links to the news published during the radio campaign.





Le reti fantasma che uccidono il mare

Mid-term Review Meeting held

Mid-term Review Meeting was held on September 30th at University of Bari Aldo Moro. The representatives of all partners were present to discuss the current status of the ADRINET project implementation (activities and financial progress, management, problems and deviations undertaken), actions taken by the Partnership to guarantee the full achievement of the project targets by its conclusion in March 2020, on-going WPs, WP Communication, as well as on-going WPs. The Meeting was presided by Chiara Campanile – Joint Secretariat assigned project officer.

3rd Steering Committee Meeting held

In the frame of the project, on July 04, 2019, a Steering Committee Meeting was hosted in Vlora by the Agriculture University of Tirana, with participation of representatives from the University of Bari, Regional Council of Vlora, Municipality of Herceg Novi and Italian General Consulate in Vlora.

The aim of this event was to share between partners and involved stakeholders the analysis of the third reporting period as well as present an introduction of the objectives of the next reporting period. The partners of the project made an open discussion on the on-going WPs. A special attention was attributed to the financial management of the project.

The meeting was a great opportunity for all involved stakeholders to meet, interact and share expectations of the project.


In the frame of the project, on July 03, 2019, an Open Day was hosted in Vlora by the Agriculture University of Tirana, with participation of representatives from the Regional Council of Vlora, Italian General Consulate in Vlora as well as experts engaged in the frame of project implementation.

The aim of this event was to share between partners and involved stakeholders the main overall and specific objectives of the ADRINET project as well as to maKe a presentation of the Ghost nets as the major destroyers of the marine environment and marine life.

The Open day was a great opportunity for all involved stakeholders to meet, interact and share expectations of the project.

The sea-bed cleaning missions are continuing successfully

The sea-bed cleaning missions have successfully continued on April 10, 2019, and lasted for three days. Fishing boats were rented again for these purposes. Plenty of nets were taken out of the sea during this, and the previous mission, as well as parts of boat wrecks and fishing tools.

The sea-bed cleaning missions have begun

The sea-bed cleaning missions have started on March 5, 2019. Fishing boats were rented for this activity, which lasted for two days. The fishing boats that were used for the sea bed cleaning missions were endowed with tracking GPS and TAG technology, in order to mark owner, boat, type, date, manufacturer and monitor the loss and retrieval of the nets, that will remain in the fishermen disposal after signing a contract with the LP.

2nd Steering Committee Meeting held

On December 18, 2018, the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting was held in Bari, with participation of representatives from University of Bari, Municipality of Castro, Agriculture University of Tirana, Regional Council of Vlora, Municipality of Herceg Novi and Italian General Consulate in Vlora.

The aim of this event was to share between partners and involved stakeholders the analysis of the second reporting period as well as present an introduction of the objectives of the next reporting period. The partners of the project made an open discussion on the on-going WPs.

Adrinet Kick-Off Meeting held in Herceg Novi

On May 17-18, 2018, the Project Kick-Off Meeting was hosted by Municipality of Herceg Novi, with participation of representatives from the University of Bari, Institute of Marine Biology from Kotor, Agricultural University of Tirana, Regional Council of Vlora and Italian Comune di Castro.

The aim of this event was to present the partners and involved stakeholders, as well as the project itself, its objectives and activities.

ADRINET leaflets

Promotional leaflets are printed in large quantities and are targeted to general public - young people, pupils, families, citizens. They are an important tool for raising the awareness of ADRINET project, for spreading its impact and disseminating its results in the cooperation area.

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Municipality of Herceg Novi and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme Authorities